Store & Share Your Files Easily For Free

Upload your Images, documents, music, and video in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere.

Best Features

Share any file or folder easily

Share any file or folder easily

You can share your files with anyone by just sharing a link, you can send anything – from photos and videos to zipped folders.

Simplify file delivery

Simplify file delivery

Easily hand off large files, like video, graphics, and audio. And unlike email attachments, you don’t have to worry about file size limits.

Send files, big and small

Send files, big and small

Need to send a large media file, video file or graphics-heavy report with co-workers or friends?

Multiple fast uploads

Multiple fast uploads

Upload in high speed and multiple files at once. Your recipients can view, comment on, and download any file link you send.

Recover Your Files Anytime You Need

Recover Your Files Anytime You Need

Keep a copy of your important files in our cloud where ONLY you can access and share with others whenever you want.

Protect Your Data

Protect Your Data

If your device is lost or stolen, rest easy knowing your data’s safe. All of your files are secure in our cloud storage and backed up multiple times.

Store & Share Your Files Easily For Free

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